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The Ciaspolada, the original snowshoe race!

Did you know that since 1973 the Val di Non has hosted an annual event called “La Ciaspolada” every January? I have been there for every one! What do you know about La Ciaspolada? It is the oldest and original running race on snowshoes!

Ciaspolada is derived from the Val di Non word for snowshoes, without doubt the most famous Noneso word! It was here in the Val di Non that La Ciaspolada was founded, the most famous running race on snowshoes! Every year since 1973, athletes from all around the world arrive to push themselves to the limit by running on fresh snow. At that first edition, there were just 18 competitors whereas today there are over a thousand! I take part in the non-competitive race as my legs aren’t what they once were and I prefer to walk on my snowshoes and have run with my family and friends. If you want to join me, you don’t need much experience, just a little bit of fitness and a desire to have fun on the snow. You can do it too!
Don’t have any snowshoes? Don’t worry, the organisers can provide them. Want to give it a go?

How to find us

All’uscita di Trento Nord o S. Michele all’Adige dell’autostrada A22 del Brennero, prosegui sulla SS 43 della Val di Non. A Dermulo svolta a destra direzione Alta Val di Non fino al paese di Fondo.

Request information

To book


Val di Non Tourism Office
Via Roma, 21 - 38013 Borgo d'Anaunia TN

If you prefer a direct mail or talk to someone:
info@visitvaldinon.it - +39 0463 830133


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Azienda per il Turismo Val di Non

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Concept, Design, Web

www.kumbe.it | info@kumbe.it 

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feratel media technologies
www.feratel.it | info@feratel.it 

Foto e video

Per le immagini si ringraziano:

Francesca Padovan
Elisa Fedrizzi
Paolo Crocetta
Diego Marini
Elena Marini Silvestri
Gilberto Seppi
Giulia Stringari
IDM Südtirol
Tourismusverein Deutschnonsberg
Alex Filz
Hannes Niederkofler
Karlheinz Sollbauer
Georg Mair
Alessio Pellegrini
Andrea Pizzato
APT Trento, Bondone, Valle dei Laghi



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