Holidays that go beyond the pistes! There’s no denying it, winter in the mountains has its own charm. I don’t know about you but, for me, the urge to get outside in the sunshine and feel its rays kiss my face overcomes any worries about plummeting temperatures! “Mountain people are tough people” you might say.
“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing” I would reply! Take my advice: dress in layers! Remember your gloves and hat, forget about showing off your legs in your favourite pair of stockings. Instead, dust off your boots and fill your backpack with a Thermos and plenty of enthusiasm.
See how that’s better? Now you’re ready for anything: bending the knees on skis, mastering the edges of your snowboard, venturing into the cotton-wool soft environment of the forest on your snowshoes, tracing criss-cross lines with your skates or getting involved in a snowball fight.
If you want to give me a hand to clear the snow from the yard at home, you’re very welcome, you’ll soon see how it warms you up! What’s that? What if there’s no snow? Well, I take the opportunity to visit places which would otherwise be unreachable on snow. For example, I can go up to Tovel and cross the frozen lake, or head up to Malga Bordolona to take photos of the ice formations on Lake Trenta, or go skating on Lake Smeraldo or be entranced by the Tret waterfalls which have been transformed into ice sculptures.
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