You searched 'area' Found 843 results

  • Lez "Dria al Foss" from Cavareno to the lakes of Ruffrè

    Lez "Dria al Foss" connects the village of Cavareno to the lakes of Ruffrè. The path has recently been maintained and old-style seats and fences have been installed. The path is completely flat and apart from a short stretch at the start it weaves into the woods full of pine and beech trees and cushions of heather. It is immersed in the wood and therefore pleasant in summer.

  • Tour 1444 - Bear no fear, on the trail of the bear

    The chance to come across a bear face to face on this short itinerary is remote indeed! However, you will have the chance to see one from close-up if you visit the Parco Faunistico of Spormaggiore, our tour passing nearby. At Sporminore we take the “Via Imperiale” and all is really well-signposted as we cross the foothills of the Brenta Dolomites and find a series of single trails which pass by Ca...

  • Brocon path – Red route Nordic Walking Park "Alta Val di Non" – Cavareno

    The first part of this route follows the blue route. Afterwards it turns onto a slightly steep forestry road above the village of Cavareno. It continues in the woods and reaches a panoramic hill above the football pitch of Cavareno. From here you can clearly see the mountain Monte Roen and the Brenta Dolomites.

  • Predaia camper van site, Tres, Batuda

    LOCATION: above Tres, in Predaia, alongside the SP 13 road. RESTRICTIONS: maximum 48 hours CHARGES: Daily fee € 20.00 (including electrical hook-up and use of toilet blocks) PAYMENT METHOD: Pay and display, App EasyPark or MyCicero. SERVICES AVAILABLE: comprised of two areas linked by a walkway: • Recreational area: 4 car parks, including one for people with disabilities - bike racks - fountain...

  • Lago delle Salare - Passo della Nana

    L'itinerario proposto segue i sentieri Sat 336 e 308 che passano per le località Malga Tassullo, Passo della Forcola, Lago delle Salare, Malga Cavalli e Passo della Nana. Il panorama è di ampio respiro e fa da sfondo, verso nord, il Monte Peller che sovrasta la bella Malga Tassullo.

  • Csen Arena Trentino Sport Village

    The sports complex offers:- 7 tennis courts (two of which are covered);- 1 indoor rock gym that allows competitions of both national and international level;- 1 a fitness room;- 1 outdoor polyvalent field made of synthetic grass;- mini circuit for cross bikes;- large green area for various outdoor sports activities- Dog Village

  • Winter trekking from Regole di Malosco to Paradiso area

    The route is suitable for everyone and is not particularly steep. The Regole di Malosco meadows are very sunny and scenic and there is lots of space for kids to enjoy tobogganing!

  • Cavareno Casa Contadina traditional farmhouse

    The house is one of the oldest buildings in the historical village of Cavareno. One of the walls bears the date 1626. The house retains and displays a series of rooms which evoke a traditional Val di Non farmer’s home. Inside are furnishings, domestic and handwork tools and objects of common worship, transporting visitors back into the distant past. A step back in time, to at least a hundred years...

  • Predaia camper van site, Smarano, Merlonga

    LOCATION: In Merlonga, near Smarano, Predaia. Located near to the “La Sosta” bar, a restaurant and pizzeria which also runs the site, next to a playing field, a tennis court and the forest. PITCHES: 43 RESTRICTIONS: maximum 48 hours CHARGES: € 15.00 + € 1.00 in low season - €15.00 + € 2.00 in high season ADDITIONAL SERVICES: - showers + toilets- laundry facilities €4 (with detergent) - electric...

  • Ristorante Ziller Al Dosaler

    Al Dosarel is a traditional family-run restaurant housed in the former cellars of the Casa Ziller, built more than 300 years ago. The restaurant is a real step back in time, both in terms of the building and the cuisine: Daria offers dishes from days gone by, based on recipes handed down through the family from one generation to another.

  • Predaia camper van site, Coredo, Due Laghi

    LOCATION: In Palù, near Coredo. This is not a proper camper van site, it is more a parking area suitable for camper vans, positioned between the play area and Lake Coredo, maximum stay 48 hours. RESTRICTIONS: maximum 48 hours SERVICES AVAILABLE: toilets, no waste water discharge! CHARGES: from the 1st of Apri to the 15th of September hourly rate: € 1.00 car, € 1.50 camper van all day: € 8.00 ca...

  • Rumo camper van site, Marcena

    LOCATION: when you reach Marcena di Rumo, take the turning opposite the Carabinieri barracks towards Lanza. After around 500 metres, near the former Du Parc hotel, turn right (near a playground). The camper van site is behind the playground. PITCHES: 9 SERVICES: electrical hook-up points, night-time lighting, camper service to fill-up with water and discharge waste water, automated access by buyi...

  • Castelfondo camper van site, Dovena

    LOCATION: in “Coai”, near Dovena, Castelfondo RESTRICTIONS: maximum 72 hours (only camper vans and caravans permitted, no other camping methods) CHARGES: €15.00 (per 24-hour period of part thereof) PAYMENT METHOD: Pay and display (cash or bank card) ADDITIONAL SERVICES: showers €3.00 per person PITCHES: 16 SERVICES AVAILABLE: drinking water fill-up, waste water pump out (sewage), waste water p...

  • Loop trail on Pian della Nana and Sasso Rosso Peak

    Pian della Nana is an enormous plateau more than 2000 metres above sea level, stretching a generous five kilometres long and one kilometre wide. As you walk through the pastures of Pian della Nana, you’ll get the chance to observe a truly remarkable abundance of floral varieties that cheerfully colour the meadows teeming with sheep, goats, horses, donkeys and where you may quite easily spot a marm...

  • Area pic nic Palù

    Questo bel prato a ridosso del bosco e attrezzato con panche e punti fuoco si trova sopra la frazione di Mocenigo di Rumo. Questo è anche il punto di partenza della bella "passeggiata delle statue", un percorso breve e pianeggiante nel bosco arricchito da statue in legno che ritraggono gli animali del bosco. Al termine della passeggiata si arriva alla sorgente dell'acqua ferruginosa.

  • Sentiero delle Glare

    Un pizzico di fascino americano è presente in questo percorso che si sviluppa praticamente in discesa tra il parcheggio del lago di Tovel e la località al Capriolo. Il sentiero percorre un tratto iniziale tra bosco di abeti e pini per uscire poi allo scoperto sulla pietraia delle Glare, nata da una grande frana che si è staccata dalle pareti soprastanti, e terminare a fianco di un ruscello che pla...

  • Chiesetta SS.Fabiano e Sebastiano

    L’esterno ha forme molto semplici: facciata a capanna, un piccolo rosone, un portalino in calcare bianco e un campaniletto a vela (posteriore al 1906, anno dell’incendio che colpì parte del paese). L’ interno racconta la complessa storia di questa chiesa. Dell’originario edificio alto-medievale (IX sec. circa) rimangono tracce nel pavimento in pietre e nella parete di fondo, dove sono visibili r...

  • Area archeologica dei Campi Neri

    La località Campi Neri, situata a monte del centro storico di Cles, è nota fin dagli inizi dell’800 per aver restituito un significativo insieme di reperti compresi tra la preistoria e l’epoca romana, perlopiù riconducibili all’ambito del culto. Il territorio La Valle di Non conserva eccezionali testimonianze del suo passato. Situata in posizione di strategico collegamento tra la Valle dell’Adige,...

  • Area sosta camper Laugen

    LUOGO: presso B&B Laugen (caffetteria, pasticceria, gelateria e pizzeria), ai margini del boscoPIAZZOLE: 12SERVIZI: colonnine per l'allaccio alla corrente elettrica, acqua potabile, bagno con doccia, servizi igienici.NELLE VICINANZE: punto di partenza per fare comode escursioni in estate e in inverno, fare colazione nella caffetteria o anche gustare una pizza.SOSTA A PAGAMENTO: verificare le tarif...

  • Caseificio Sociale di Romeno

    Il Caseificio di Romeno è nato come latteria sociale a gestione turnaria nel 1891. Le prime forme di Trentingrana furono create nel 1927 e questo formaggio ora rappresenta il 95% della produzione. Nel caseificio vengono prodotti anche formaggi freschi e molli, aromatizzati con erbe di montagna e possono essere acquistati nello spaccio all'interno della struttura.

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Val di Non Tourism Office
Via Roma, 21 - 38013 Borgo d'Anaunia TN

If you prefer a direct mail or talk to someone: - +39 0463 830133


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Azienda per il Turismo Val di Non

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Per le immagini si ringraziano:

Francesca Padovan
Elisa Fedrizzi
Paolo Crocetta
Diego Marini
Elena Marini Silvestri
Gilberto Seppi
Giulia Stringari
IDM Südtirol
Tourismusverein Deutschnonsberg
Alex Filz
Hannes Niederkofler
Karlheinz Sollbauer
Georg Mair
Alessio Pellegrini
Andrea Pizzato
APT Trento, Bondone, Valle dei Laghi



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