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Christmas markets

Colourful and warm lighting, with stalls selling artisan products and traditional local dishes to savour set against a backdrop of Christmas music: it all goes into creating the evocative ambience of our Christmas markets which have become a symbol of the Trentino and South Tyrol regions.

When you think of Christmas, you immediately think of family but also of long evenings at the Christmas markets. During the short winter days of November, December and January, night arrives early so the Christmas lights are switched on to create their magical atmosphere.
Every year I visit the Christmas markets in Trento, Bolzano and Merano from the Val di Non. Want to know why? Because it is the perfect base for visiting all of the Christmas markets in Trentino and South Tyrol, it is the only valley in the region which is exactly midway between the two provinces. When you come here, the hotels pamper you, the mountains are welcoming but you are just an hour by car from the wooden stalls of your favourite Christmas market.

Natale in Tutti i Sensi

The Val di Non also has its own little Christmas market which is worth a visit. In Fondo, it is called “Natale in Tutti i Sensi” and it is very cosy, perfect for anyone who wants to avoid the big crowds of the cities.

It takes place in the historic center of Fondo from the 8th of December 2023 to the 6th of January 2024.

In the San Giovanni Square, some stalls of the local handcraft and the delicious mulled wine and apple juice are waiting for you with many other surprises. Every weekend you can find a live Nativity Scene inside the court of the old houses and many activities for children.

The market is open from 10am to 7pm on the 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th (special opening in the afternoon for the feast of Santa Lucia), 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th, 26th, 30th, 31st of December and the 5th and 6th of January.

During the Christmas Market the shops in town are open every day.

This town is in the northern part of the valley, near Passo Mendola and Passo Palade.

You can find the detailed program here.

Mercatino di Natale di Trento

This historical Christmas market has reached the 27th edition. It takes place in the historical city center, more exactly in Piazza Fiera and Piazza Cesare Battisti, from the 18th of November 2023 to the 7th of January 2024.

The illuminated blackbirds of the city center frame the 75 wood houses of the market. Here you can find stalls selling artisan products, buy handcrafts and Christmas decorations and taste delicious traditional dishes.

The historical center is turned into a real Christmas village. You can find a big Living Scene made of wood created by the students of the Art school of Trento, a magical village for children with a small train, a treasure hunt, a sampling of Trento DOC and much more.

From Val di Non, you can reach Trento by taking the local train, that in about 60 minutes arrives directly to the city center. It runs every hour and the last ride back leaves at 8.10 pm.

The local train is free with the Trentino Guest Card.

See the time table of the rides for Trento
See the time table of the rides from Trento

Mercatini di Natale di Bolzano

For 20 years the central square of Bolzano, the Piazza Walther, has been hosting these famous Christmas markets. From the 24th of November to the 6th of January their atmosphere warms up all the streets of this enchanting city.

To reach them from Val di Non you can choose between two different itineraries depending on where you are staying. If you are in the area of Fondo you can drive to Bolzano passing through Passo Mendola. It takes 45 minutes to get there.

From the other part of the valley, you can enter the motorway A22 towards Bolzano from San Michele all’Adige.

The easier way to reach Bolzano with the public transport is to take the regional train from Mezzocorona to Bolzano. You can reach the station in Mezzocorona by taking the local train towards Trento. Both trains are free for owners of the Trentino Guest Card!

You can find the time table of the rides from Val di Non towards Mezzocorona here.

Mercatini di Merano

Merano is a charming city, smaller than Bolzano. Here, the Christmas markets take place on the promenade along the river Passirio from November the 24th to January the 6th.

You can find 54 wood houses where you can buy local food, handcrafts and taste delicious traditional dishes.

Merano is located at the beginning of Val Venosta and you can reach it by staying on the fast road MeBo after Bolzano.

If you are in the surroundings of Fondo the shorter way by car is passing through Passo Palade, this route is 38 km long.

Eventually, you can use the public transport. From Fondo there is the bus 246, that arrives directly in the center of Merano passing through Passo Palade. It takes 60 minutes to arrive at destination, but at least you avoid trouble finding a parking place.

See the timetables of the bus 246 Fondo – Merano here.

Be aware, this route is not affiliated with the Tentino Guest Card, as it belongs to a public transport society.

Mercatino di Natale “Polvere di Stelle” a Lana

Lana is a small town outside Merano. Its Christmas markets are one of the smallest in South Tyrol, perfect for anyone who wants a relaxed atmosphere.

On the weekends of December, you will find 20 stalls inside the gardens of the Cappuccini Monastery, that are decorated for the Holiday season.

Lana is only 30 minutes by car from Fondo and you can get there passing through Passo Palade.

If you are staying in other areas of the valley, we suggest you to take the motorway A22 from the San Michele all’Adige until Bolzano, than follow the MeBo until you get to Lana.

By public transport, you can get there only with the bus 246 in direction Merano that stops in Lana.

See the timetables of bus line 246 Fondo – Merano here

Be aware, this route is not affiliated with the Tentino Guest Card, as it belongs to a public transport society of South Tyrol.

Crediti fotografici immagine di copertina: Archivio APT Trento, Monte Bondone, Valle dei Laghi - foto R. Magrone

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Val di Non Tourism Office
Via Roma, 21 - 38013 Borgo d'Anaunia TN

If you prefer a direct mail or talk to someone:
info@visitvaldinon.it - +39 0463 830133


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Azienda per il Turismo Val di Non

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Concept, Design, Web

www.kumbe.it | info@kumbe.it 

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Foto e video

Per le immagini si ringraziano:

Francesca Padovan
Elisa Fedrizzi
Paolo Crocetta
Diego Marini
Elena Marini Silvestri
Gilberto Seppi
Giulia Stringari
IDM Südtirol
Tourismusverein Deutschnonsberg
Alex Filz
Hannes Niederkofler
Karlheinz Sollbauer
Georg Mair
Alessio Pellegrini
Andrea Pizzato
APT Trento, Bondone, Valle dei Laghi



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