Did you know that the Val di Non has more castles than any valley in Trentino? And did you know that if you decide to visit this valley today you are really lucky? Because you can now visit these castles, learn about them, spend time there and sometimes even have a chat with the owners!
When I was little, I would get up all sorts of things. I can still remember how my friends and I would try to get as close as possible to the castle entrance. And then we’d run off to escape from the dog guarding the manor house! Fortunately, things have changed over time. The first to reveal itself in all its glory was Castel Thun, without a shadow of doubt the king of all the castles in the Val di Non. In time, other stunning manor houses joined in. Some of these have been opened thanks to the far-sightedness of the their owners, such as Castel Valer, Castel Nanno and Castel Coredo.
Today there are actually a dozen historic buildings including castles, aristocratic palaces and historic residences that are waiting to be discovered on a fascinating journey through history and art which takes you from the Val di Non to Europe. You will be amazed, I’m sure, to see just how many castles there are rising up from outcrops and hilltops, among villages, orchards and forests.
And just think: you probably won’t even have spotted them all! I’m equally certain that you also didn’t expect the owners of these castles to still be living in them. If you come to the Val di Non, you are lucky because you can now visit these castles, learn about them, spend time there and sometimes even have a chat with the Count or Countess!
As well as the castles, there are also shrines, little mountain churches, crosses and enchanting hermitages. Because before the arrival of the apple in this land apart from the lucky few in the castles, the people were very poor and, as you know, poor people will always turn an eye towards the heavens.
Are you ready to immerse yourself in this history?
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